Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two Toof!

Yeah der hey, I gots me two toofs.
Liam has his two bottom teeth coming in - with his bald head and two teeth - he looks quite funny.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Graduation Brunch!

Scott, the Graduate, & Dougie Fresh

Kissing Cousins! Liam and Caleb

Danielson & Liam

Danielle and Caleb

JP & Grams

Liam and Lauren
We had a family brunch today for Scott's ACNP degree completion.
Liam was well behaved, as always. It was nice to see everyone and Liam and I are glad Scott, Danielle, Ethan, and Caleb are back from vacation - we missed them! ( shown in the kissing picture!)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Brody Vists!

Brody (and his parents Matt & Val!) came over to visit today. It was a nice surprise upon my arrival home from work!

Swimming Holiday

I took off work on Wednesday to swim with Liam and Granny. We all enjoyed the weather and pool, naturally! What Liam did not enjoy was his new cap!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Swimming Sunday

Heather, Lyluu, Alyssa

Heather, Alyssa, Lyluu

Granny and Liam

Me and Liam

We swam again yesterday. Alyssa came and brought two friends - Heather and Lyluu. We had a good time - the weather and water were both wonderful.


Nick and Liam

Some of the gang..."Evil Ethan" with his squirt gun!

Watching the Parade

Liam frolic'd for the first time. He most certainly had a positively fantastic time! He was especially enjoying himself during the thunderstorm in Grams' garage. We cut it short because my eye was all messed up from my contact. Our short time was entertaining, nonetheless.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Holiday Weekend

Ethan and Claire with the hose

Liam - the best picture-taker around

Liam and Claire

Lauren, me, and Liam

Liam's first 4th of July

Swim Day, Redux

Liam still loves the pool. This time I brought his robe for him!
..and no, they are HD Vision - still sweet nonetheless.