Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cole James

Cole James Sommerville is already 3 weeks old! Liam passed on the hip hat he received from his Nanny Godmum (aka LM - aka Lauren Michelle) because despite its ultra cuteness, he never fit on Mister Bear's head! Just like his daddy - he is a fathead!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome, Small Fry

Cole, Liam, and Me

Uncle Nick and Cole
Our newest Baby Sommerville - Cole James. Three Sommerville boys born within a twelve month period, oh my! Cole is the littlest baby, weighing in at 6lb 4 ozs at birth! The little nugget is called Small Fry!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

BOB Boys

Danielle, Ethan, Caleb, Liam, and myself went for a hike at Falk Park today. Gus and Kait ran around happily while Danielle and I struggled to lift our BOBs over all the downed trees. It was a nice workout, I was so tired thereafter!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Cabin Weekend

How many kiddies can we fit onto a 4-wheeler?

4 Kiddies on a 4-wheeler!

Ethan, Papa Schutten, and Caleb cuddling
Ethan, I mean "Army Guy" swinging
The Schuttens crusin around...
Liam, once again the best picture-taker around!

Camo Crew!
Claire in Liam's baby swivel seat.

Gus resting away from the kids!

Took the kids on a nature walk...

but it was treacherous terrain and we had to turn back.

How many more can we fit onto this couch?

The first two ready for the group shot...

Liam and Taylor

Taylor swinging....weeeeeeee!

Can this kid take a bad picture...I think not!
Labor Day weekend at the cabin was great fun - but at the end of the days we were all exhausted from all the running and fresh air! It was a fun, family-filled weekend.